We’re a congregation that looks outward to be about God’s work in this world through:

- Donations for the Food Bank collected every Sunday
- Benefit Concert Series
- Episcopal Relief and Development
- Mission trips
- Episcopal Campus Ministry @ Georgia Southern University
- Keep Bulloch Beautiful
- Yoga and Tai Chi offered every week

… and so much more.

We also look inward to nurture and sustain one another through fellowship, Christian Education and pastoral care:

- Card ministry for birthdays, anniversary, get well, sympathy
- Altar Guild, Bread Guild, Acolytes, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, Oblation Bearers, Choir, Handbells
- Tuesday Morning Bible Study, and quarterly Sunday morning book discussions
- Sunday youth programs (EYC) for grades 6 – 12, and diocesan youth activities
- Lunch Bunch, Trinity Book Club,  First Sunday Breakfasts, Sunday Coffee Hour after each service
- Eco-stewardship and Creation Care
- Welcome Visits

... and again, so much more.

Welcome to Trinity where you’ll find your place, feel at home, enjoy community, and celebrate and rejoice in God. 

Service Times:

Regular Schedule:
8:15 a.m. Spoken Eucharist, Rite I
10:30 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Rite II



Our Staff Members

Michael Roemer (he/him)